(The Blurb)
I need some vitamin D
For the past two weeks, I had the winter blues, stuck in my dorm room studying, to busy to be bored too bored to be productive. I was seriously considering changing my major, because I felt that I had become stagnated and completely lost, when all I really needed was to step out into the weak February sun, absorb some photons and increase my production of that essential vitamin D. Though many college students would be too embarrassed to admit, I reached this conclusion after I called my mother, who insisted that my total disparagement was caused simply by two things my lack of sun light ( which was quickly confirmed as I assessed the image of pallor that greeted me in the mirror) and the fact that I had not been writing anything.... anything.... but college paper, which in my opinion hardly count as "writing". My mother was referring to the writing that contained the essence of the writer, my feelings beliefs, my soul. I sat in the February sun absorbing its brilliance, my creative juices began to boil, and at 11:18pm I sat down at my computer and I knew what to do. My mom was right, I missing more than one essential vitamin in my life.
Continue Reading for real information about vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble organic compound that is created in our bodies from an interaction between UV radiation on a cholesterol derivative. Vitamin D is used in the human body to aid in the absorption of calcium. A deficiency of vitamin D can cause an illness known as the rickets, it is not common in today's world due to mineral fortification of foods such as dairy.Rickets can cause the bones to be soft and can cause stunted growth . Corrective shoes are sometimes need after the deficiency has been dealt with, due to growth abnormalities that can cause splay foot or pigeon toe (My grand mother suffered from rickets as a child).
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